Friday 20 March 2015

the power of the moon

Let me just start by saying - I'm not one of those people..

You know the kind of person who asks what star sign you are; 
and then reacts to your response with an - 'oooohh.. yes, that explains XYZ'.

For the record - I'm a Scorpio; and I'm stubborn.

Are the two intrinsically linked? 

I have no idea.

I also don't know which sign you are based on your birthday;
If you're an air or water sign;
Or you which traits are associated with Capricorns.

I wish I did.

And one day I might read those astrology books collected dust on my bookshelf; 
But for now, I look to my good friend Google to provide the answers.

And so, when I heard that today - 20 March 2015 - is one of the 
M O S T   P O W E R F U L   D A Y S 
of the year, I turned to said internet-BFF, to provide me with the answers.

And because I assume you're not one of those people either, I imagine you don't understand what it means that the New Moon/Solar Eclipse is in Pisces at 29 degrees...

So, let me break it down for you -

W H A T ' S   T H E   D E A L ?
A New Moon; and
A Total Solar Eclipse; and
An Equinox

W H E N ? 
Tonight at 7.37PM AEST

S O   W H A T ?
Each of these celestial events is said to be 'kind of a big deal' on their own.

So when combined - in an Epic Trilogy of Awesome - this creates very powerful shifts for our personal and collective transformations; and marks the time for breakthroughs.

If you've been looking for a change - The universe is about to deliver.

It is a profound time for new beginnings, for letting go of what no longer serves us, and embarking on new exciting journeys.

Think of this time as an opportunity to 'reset'; to be courageous; to take action on your inspiration.

The Super Moon is known to amplify feelings and emotions.

The Total Solar Eclipse symbolises potent new beginnings.

An Equinox allows strong creative energy.

~ ~ ~

Pay attention tonight and notice if your awareness is heightened;
or you discover you're experiencing a number of 'Aha!' moments in the coming days.

Or at the very least, do me a favour - 
Go outside;
Take a deep breath in;
Look up at the sky;
Admire the beauty of the night;
And take a moment to be grateful for something.


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